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Gire Gire,
On Toma Road,
14 th September 14.
The Brigadier:
Acting under your instructions from "Berrima" at 1-24 a.m. this morning, I occupied Toma today at 3-10 p.m; beyond a few Native Constabulary, who were promptly shelled by the 12 pdr. no opposition was met with.
During the advance I received two Flags of Truce of a parleying nature, but sent back a demand for surrender of Governor with his Officials.
Shortly after shelling had ceased, an Officer came in under the White Flag and I have the honour to report that the Governor is to report at Herbertshohe at 11 o'clock A.M. tomorrow morning.
The men have behaved splendidly. The accuracy of the "Encounter's" shelling was astonishing. I move on to Herbertshohe at 6-30 p.m.
(Sgd.) W.R. WATSON , Lt.Col.
I have given His Excellency a Pass.