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13th September, 1914.
The Commanding Officer,
Herbertshohe Garrison.
On the 12th inst. I took over from the Government Medical Officer, the European Hospital situated on the Hill at the back of Herbertshohe. This Hospital is twenty minutes walk from Head-quarters, and contains seven beds, six patients at present, and none likely to be discharged for two weeks at least. Medical Equipment insufficient for our needs. Water supply is daily brought from a reservoir, two-thirds of a mile distant. This Hospital is quite unsuited for use as a Garrison Hospital. The New Guinea Company have in their employ, a German medical man who has charge of their Native employees. Under his care are a General Native Hospital, a Ward for Dysentery cases and a separate Gynecological Hospital. A French order of Nuns have a Convent at the Southern end of the town with European and native wards attached, where they attend to sick patients. There is accommodation here for eighty-four Whites and one hundred natives. Although the original French sisters have been largely replaced by German Nuns of the same order, we have been promised every assistance. Today, prayers were said on our behalf at their Convent, while the A.M. Corps were in attendance with a skirmishing party. The local Government Stores, the first mentioned Hospital and Drug Store at the foot of the hill will provide us with a sufficiency of equipment for at least one month. I have established a Garrison Hospital in the Residential Quarters of the German Club. There is floor space and medical stores for Forty men for one month we would, if necessary be able to call on the services of the New Guinea Company Doctor, the resident Government Doctor, a Dispenser (German), also a Native Wardsman, these last two attached to the New Guinea Company's Hospital. All the Resident Doctors are on parole, reporting each day at four (4) p.m., to Head Quarters for renewal of passes, meanwhile remaining in the neighborhood of Herbertshohe.
(Sgnd.) John E. Donaldson, Captain,
O/C, A.M C, Detail, Herbertshohe.