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On Nov. 30th, the Administrator ordered that some Germans should be flogged, accordingly I refused to go on with my work, and the Provost Marshal, Capt. Ravenscroft, sent me to Sydney, where I arrived on Saturday, Jan. 15th.
In spite of the promise given to me in Rabul and by the Commander of Edgecliff, I was sent to Darlinghurst Gaol, where I still remain.
Considering my most valuable services to the British Administration of New Guinea, I beg your honor not to ruin me by losing my land in Dutch India, but to give me permission to leave Australia for Dutch East India.
As I have given the Oath of Neutrality in Rabaul, and again in Sydney, certainly no harm can be done to the British interests, because no gentleman shall break his oath.
Considering the long time I have been in the tropical climate -over twelve years - there is no danger by leaving me out of Australia.
I should be absolutely useless to the German Army, because I never could stand the strain, after such a long stay in a dangerous climate.
Hoping that your Honour will be good enough to allow me to leave Australia.
I am,
Dear Sir,
Your Obedient Servant,
(Signed) KURT HORN.