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Saturday 6th December
Monday 15th December
At Sea. Very hot weather tho' tempered with a nice breeze. Usual Sport on board €“ a concert and a fancy dress Ball - The latter quite a success, the judges being Mr Street, Capt of Ship and Nell.
Tuesday 16th December
Arrived at Colombo at 6 am. Had endeavoured to arrange by wireless from ship for Military Car to take us to Kandy, but no car available. Went ashore in our Staff launch at 8.30 am. Visited sundry shops, then went out to Galle Face Hotel in Rickshaw. Made purchases of lace etc at Hotel, then took car to Mt Lavinia where we lunched, returning to Galle Face at 4pm via Cinnamon gardens. Dined at Galle Face Hotel and afterwards walked back to wharf, getting aboard ship about 9.30pm.
Rate of exchange £ 1 British = 8.40 Rupees
Wednesday 17th December
Friday 26th December
At sea. Very hot weather till we reached the Cocos Islands, then rapidly improved. Children had a great day on Xmas day. Father Christmas came aboard and distributed presents.
A.I.F Personnel gave an excellent concert in 2nd Salon. I distributed prizes won in Deck Sports, Chris carrying off 3 firsts and 1 second. Arrived Fremantle about noon but owing to medical inspection did not get ashore till nearly 6pm. Col [indecipherable] disembarked. No officers to meet ship other than Embarkation Staff. Took car to Perth leaving Fremantle 6pm and returned to ship at 8pm. Saw much improvement since my last visit over 20 years ago. Kings Park very nice. Called at Govt House and signed visitors book.
Saturday 27th December Left Fremantle
28th to 30th (At Sea)
Arrived Adelaide Dec 30th. Again no representative from Military Department
Wednesday 31st December Left Adelaide 31 December
1920 January 2nd 1920 At Sea