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Wednesday 27th August
In morning visited Gen Robertson and Gen McGlinn at Sutton Veny - the former re Court concerning repatriated Prisoners of War. In office all the afternoon.
Thursday 28th August
In office during morning. Left Tidworth at 12.30 for Southampton arriving at Docks at 2pm. Inspected S.S. Kauouna a hospital ship and conversed with the patients. Left Southampton at 5pm and arrived Tidworth 6.30pm.
At 7.30 attended a farewell dinner at Bhurtpore Mess, and thanked the staff for their assistance during my term as GOC Depots.
Friday 29th August
Miserable wet day. In office during morning, in afternoon visited HQrs No 2 Group at Sutton Veny.
Saturday 30th August
In office during morning. Visited Gen Robertson at Sutton Veny during afternoon.
Sunday 31st August
Left for Detention Barracks at Lewes at 7 am accompanied by Nell and Chris. Travelled via Andover - and Brighton to Lewes and returned via Guilford and Basingstoke. Interviewed Major Phillips and Stall at Barracks. Lunched with the Major and his wife. Owing to punctures did not reach home till 12.30 am. Also visited Eastbourne, St. Leonards and Hastings. HQrs A.I.F. Depots in UK ceased to function at midnight and I am no longer GOC. My duties are being taken up tomorrow by Gen Robertson, with Sutton Veny as HQrs this being the only camp now occupied in England by Australian troops.
Total mileage during my term of office March 10th to August 31st 1918
Car - 9125 Miles
Rail - 6102 Miles
Total - 15225 Miles
Month of June Mileage not available and not included in totals