Item 02: Sir Charles Rosenthal diary, 1 January 1919-5 January 1920 - Page 44

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[Page 44]

at G.H.Q. Finally secured a room at the HQrs located in the Excelsior Hotel Ernst in the Cathedral Square, and very comfortable I am. Gen Montgomery chief of Staff, an old friend of 4th Army, is away today but returns tomorrow. Will have car overhauled here ready for balance of journey. Dined at VI Corps officer's club. Very good indeed. Cologne streets very crowded with both troops and civilians.
Beer houses packed. Mileage 179 miles

Monday 30th June
In morning walked round the principal streets, after breakfast at club at 8 am. Visited Cathedral, changed money and arranged for car to go to workshop for overhaul - Springs and radiator especially.
Saw Gen Solly Flood and Col Armstrong late 4th Aust Div at G.H.Q. Saw General Montgomery at 11 am. He arranged for me to go and live in his house in Deutsch Ring. In afternoon under the white flag went out into the neutral zone on the Eastern bank of the Rhine beyond bridgeheads. Crossed the river at Bonn and visited the Drachenfels. Very magnificent view. After dinner Played bridge.

Tuesday 1st July

Car provided by Gen Montgomery  €“ a requisitioned Boche much to my delight. Visited Gen Godley at Duren, and remained to lunch. Afterwards called on Gen Haldane, Gen Langford and Gen Morland. With the latter I found Gen Reed, late a Divisional Commander now a GOCRA. They are living in the house of the Kaiser's Sister. All HQrs in very fine homes, and everywhere ample indication of wealth but little artistic taste in design or furniture. GHQ has arranged for me to visit Berlin. Took train from Cologne at 1 am. My car now thoroughly overhauled.

Wednesday 2nd July
Country through which train passes on way to Berlin generally very fertile and intensely cultivated. Arrived at Berlin at 4pm, 2 hours late. Journeyed via Elberfeld  €“ [indecipherable] - Magdeburg - Brandenburg and Potsdam. Gen Neil Malcolm who is Chief of British Military Mission in Berlin had a car to meet me, and had arranged accommodation for me at the Hotel Esplanade. Before dinner in company with

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