Item 03: Walter Bruce Rainsford diary, 1 January 1916-31 December 1916 - Page 54
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uniform. From the open doorway however I could see the people round the roulette tables. Time being limited we left again for Nice at 4 p.m. & made the return journey round the winding coast, and, after purchasing a supply of postcards & views, caught the ¼ to 5 train. arriving back at Musso at 11.30 p.m. after a 160 mile journey each way. Forgot to say that Monte Carlo is out of bounds but that did not worry us.
Notwithstanding the orders received to pack up – everything is going along as usual again. It is evident that the British authorities do not want to hurry us away. (78)
Sat. 27th May:-
Early on Friday morning we had a terrific downpour of rain which brought down a couple of tents & flooded several others (much to the discomforture of the occupants).Between 1.30 & 3 a.m, 15 millimètres 08 of rain were registered