Item 03: Walter Bruce Rainsford diary, 1 January 1916-31 December 1916 - Page 42
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shops rolled into one – flowers everywhere in my hat, belt, pouch waterbottle, pockets, buttonholes surmounted by two flags – one waving from each shoulder. Needless to say, with the rush of people to shake hands with everyone (& to kiss some), the rounds of applause from everywhere, the showering of flowers & flags from windows, the singing of the Marseillaise, Tipperary etc by the troops, the discipline & marching were hardly as steady as those of the Life Guards would have been! In the Place de la Prefecture we marched past a big mob of "HEADS" including French, British, Serbian, Russian, & Belgian bigwigs – General Conquest commanding 15th Region of France took the Salute. Our destination was the Railway Station (Gare St.Charles) where the Sth. African Battalions entrained in full marching order for the North, not however