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We were allowed to wander about on the pier until 6 p.m., but were not allowed to go into the town. There was a big batch of Yanks and Tommies on the pier. I saw the "Olympic" and the "Warilda", the Warilda had the bow knocked off her by striking another boat. I also saw the "Sequoya" with a huge hole in her side, caused by a torpedo. The "Gloucester Castle" is being painted after being repaired (torpedoed). The "Caesarea" was at the wharf. We went on board the "Duchess of Argyll" at 6-30 p.m. and had to wait until 8-30 before moving off (about 800 on board, Yanks, Tommies, Light Horse and Artillery,) slept all the way over, curled up on a seat with another chap, the only trouble was that his spurs kept digging into my ribs.
Tuesday April 23rd
Arrived at Havre 20 past 4 and tied up at the wharf at 10 to 5 a.m., had to wait on deck until 7-15, then moved off to camp at 7-30. After having a few spells along the road reached camp at 10-15, we were then split up and put into bell tents (12 to each) we then got our kits, all those who had brought bags with them had them taken away. 12 noon, dinner, more than we