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sneaked a canvas cover to put over us and it was just as well as it rained heavy during the night.
Sunday May 5th
8 a.m. had to go up to the guns and dig gun pits, we had just finished one lot of pits, when we we told we were on the wrong sector. After dinner we started a new lot. when we got back to camp I found they had shifted camp so we had to take our belongings and canvas to the new camp about another mile's walk, arriving 8.30 had tea then started to dig ourselves into the side of the hill went to bed 10.30 tired out.
Monday May 6th
Had to go up to the pits again, about four miles walk, put in a hard days work, picking and shoveling chalk stone. One of Froggies Naval guns alongside our camp had a premature burst, killing 4 Frenchies and one "Aussie", besides tearing up the line.
Tuesday May 7th
had been raining very heavy all night. still raining. was made mess orderly. Didn't do anything all morning, too wet. After dinner took horses to graze, then started cutting a dug out for the Orderly Room in the side of the hill. 8.30 p.m. got orders to go up to the guns in the morning.
Wednesday May 8th
9.30 a.m. left camp in the cooks cart for the guns. Did some shooting to get the range. after dinner started on a dug out for myself. There are Tommies, Frenchies and Aussie batterys all round here. 18 pounders, 4-5s.