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Manners & Customs of the South Sea Islands


That the people who inhabit this numerous range of Isles should have originaly come from one & the same place & brought with the [them] the same numbers & Language which latter especialy have remaind to this time not materialy alterd is in my opinion not at all past beleif but that the Numbers of the Island of Madagascar should be the same as all these is almost if not quite beyond beleif incredible I shall give them from a book calld a Collection of voyages by the Duch East India Company Lond. 1703. p. 116, where supposing the author Who speaks of ten numbers & has only nine to have lost the fifth their similarity is beyond dispute

  Madagascar Otahite Cocos Isle New Guinea
1. Issa Tahie Taci Tika
2. Rove Rua Loua Roa
3. Tello Torou Tolou Tola
4. Effat Nêa Fa Fatta
6. Enning Whene Houno Wamma
7. Fruto Hetu Fitou Fita
8. Wedo Whêaru Walou Walla
9. Sidai Heva Ywou Siwa
10. Scula Ahourou Ongefoula Sangafoula

It must be rememberd however that the author of this voyage during the course of it touchd at Java & several more of the East Indian Isles

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