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To Madeira


two species of one genus, but are not at all reducible to any genus hitherto describd. V. No. 4:5:

3. Blew fresh this morn. We were employd all day in describing the animals taken yesterday; found them to be of a new genus & of the same with that taken on the 28 of August No. 3 Calld the genus Dagysa from the Likeness of one Species No. 5 to a Gem. Towards Even wind fair Settled tolerably fine.

4. Calm today, we were employd in fishing with the casting net & were fortunate in taking several specimens of Dagysa saccata adhering together, as represented in I 8 sometimes to the Lengh of a yard or more, & shining in the water with very beautifull Colours; but another insect which we took today was possest of more beautifull Colouring than any thing in nature I have ever seen, hardly excepting gemms. He is of a new genus & calld carcinium appalinum

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