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[Page 270]

South Sea

a pint or more every evening but all this did not so intirely check the distemper as to prevent my feeling some small effects of it about a fortnight ago my gums swelld & some small pimples rose in the inside of my mouth which threatned to become ulcers I then flew to the lemon Juice which had been put up for me according to Dr Hulmes method describd in his book & in his letter which is inserted here every kind of liquor which I usd was made sour with the Lemon juice No 3, so that I took near 6 ounces a day of it the effect of this was surprizing in less than a week my gums became as firm as ever & at this time I am troubled with nothing but a few pimples on my face which have not deterrd me from leaving off the juice intirely

12. Very nearly calm all last night this morn Georges Land was now but little nearer to us than last night,the tops of the hills were wrap'd in clouds about 7 a small breze sprung up & we saw some Canoes coming off to us by ten or eleven

[Continued on Page 275]


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