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[Page 361]

To Huahine


13. About 10 this morn saild From Otahite leaving our freinds Some of them at least I realy beleive personaly sorry for our departure notwisthstanding the confinement of the day before yesterday had frighned & affronted them as much as possible yet our nearest freinds came on board at this Critical time except only Tubourai & Tamio we had Oborea Otheothea Tayoa Nuna Tuanna Matte Potattou Polotheara &c. on board when the anchor was weighd they took their leaves tenderly enough not without plenty of tears tho intirely without that clamourous weeping made use of by the other Indians several boats of whoom were about the ship shouting out their lamentations as vyeing with each other not who should cry most but who should cry loudest - a custom we had often condemned in conversation with our particular freinds as savouring more of affected than real greif

Tupia who after all his struggles stood firm at last in his resolution of acompanying us parted with a few heartfelt tears so I judge them to have been by the Efforts I saw him make use of to hide them he sent by Otheothea his last present a shirt to Potamai Dootahah's favourite mistress he & I went then to the topmast head where we stood a long time waving to the Canoes as they went off after which he came down & shewd no farther signs of seriousness or concern

In the Evening Tethuroa in sight before night it appears clearly to be a very low Island & but small,which with Tupias declaring that

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