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May 1769

as the shore was coverd with pebbles & large stones in the midst of these breakers 10 or 12 Indians were swimming who whenever a surf broke near them divd under it with infinite ease rising up on the other side but their cheif amusement was carried on by the stern of an old canoe with this before them they swam out as far as the outermost breach then one or two would get into it & opposing the blunt end to the breaking wave were hurried in with incredible swiftness sometimes they were carried almost ashore but generaly the wave broke over them before they were half way in which case the divd & quickly rose on the other side with the canoe in their hands which was swam towd out again & the same method repeated we stood admiring this very wonderfull scene for full half an hour in which time no one of the actors atempted to come ashore but all seemd most highly entertaind with their strange diversion.\

30. Carpenters employd today in repairing the long boat which is eat in a most wonderfull manner every part of her bottom is like a honeycomb & some of the holes 1/8th of an inch in diameter such a progress has this destructive insect made in six weeks

31. The day of Observation now aproaches the weather has been for some days fine tho in general since we have been upon the Island we have had as

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