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July 1769

31. Still turning to windward with the wind right in our teeth towards evening however it mends & gives us hopes that we may tomorrow morn come to an anchor in Ulhietea Tupia today shewes us a large breach in the reef of Otahah through which the ship migh conveniently pass into a large bay where he says there is good anchorage. We have now a very good opinion of Tupias pilotage especialy since we observd him at Huahine send a man to dive down to the heel of the ships rudder this the man did several times & reported to him the depth of water the ship drew after which he has never sufferd her to go in less than 5 fathom water without being much alarmd.

1. The wind right off the land of Ulhietea makg it dificult to get in tho we see a good inlet after turning to windward till afternoon we however at last get hold of anchorage in the mouth of it many canoes came immediately about the ship bringing all sorts of trade so that before night we have purchas'd several piggs & fowls & a large quantity of Plantains & Cocoa nutts

[In left margin]

On attempting to warp the ship in this even the anchor was found to be fast in a rock at least no attempts could stir it till night when the tide (which runs strong through the inlet) turnd the ship then going over the anchor tripd it herself.


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