Joseph Banks - Endeavour journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 - No. 0101
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To Brazeil
Octr. 1768
one of which gave light full as much as much as a glow-worm in England tho the Creature was not so large by 10/9ths indeed the sea this night seemd to abound with light in an uncommon manner as if every inhabitant of it furnishd its share which might have been the case tho none kept that property after being brought out of the water except these two
30. This Morn employd in Examining the things caught last night which being taken by the light of our lamps (for the wind which blows in at the windows always open will not suffer us to burn candles) we could hardly then distinguish into genera much less into species had the good fortune to find that they were all quite new Calld them Medusa pellucens, Lepas pellucens, Clio, Cancer fulgens & Cancer [amplectens],