Joseph Banks - Endeavour Journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 - No. 0060
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To Brazil
it was something larger, his head however gave us some food, by supplying us with near twenty specimens of ticks, which differd but little from the acarus vicinus Linn which it was however described & calld acarus Motacilla.
1. This Morn Bonetos were in great plenty about the ship, we were calld up early to see one that had been struck, found it to be the Scomber Pelamis Linn., had a drawing made of it; I confess however that I was a good deal disapointd, expecting to find the animal much more beatifull than it provd, tho its colours were extreemly lively, especialy the blue lines on the Back (which equald at least any ultramarine) yet the name, & accounts I had heard from all who had seen them, made me expect an animal