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[Page 136]

Rio de Janeiro

point of Ilhoa dos cobras where we were to lay & wait for a fair wind which shoud come every night from the Land We were fortunate in the arrival of a Spanish Brig comeing from Buenos Ayres [also spelt Buenos Aires] with Letters for Spain which arrivd about a week ago her officers were receivd ashore with all possible politeness & allowd to take a house without the least hesitation The Captn Don Antonio de Monte Negro y Velasco with all possible politeness offerd to take our letters to Europe which we accepted of as a very Fortunate circumstance & sent them on board this morn

3, 4. We remaind today without any Sea breeze 

5.This Morn early a dead calm we attemptd to tow down with our boats & came near abreast of Sta Cruz their cheif Fortification when to our great surprize the Fort fird two shot at us one of which went just over


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