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[Page 39]
It is very cold, but I suppose we shall feel it worse to-night. I do not know how long we are going to stay here
Leave was granted (as I tipped it would be when we got away from Colonel Dobben) from 2 pm till 6 pm.
Scotty McIlveen and myself went all round the city. Great to my surprise I met Lambert Graham whom I used to know quite well in Balmain. He had two pals with him. All three were wireless operators and are returning on the 10th Dec (tomorrow) to Australia.
All five of us engaged a cab to take us round the city. We had him for an hour and when the journey was completed we gave him five piastres which is about 1/-½. You ought to have heard him blow off but as that was the registered fare we walked away and took no notice. He soon shut up.
Cabs and in fact all travelling is cheap but the natives try to sock strangers if possible. It did not work with us.
All the supply section including Clark Wall & Johnson left for Cairo to-night. The transport section are not leaving till the "S.S. Hymetties" lands the horses.
Broke nice and fresh, but it was very cold during the night.