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of the city, it seems to be a very large one. All the buildings are painted a light yellow and are built very close to-gether.
Nice and fine, but cool
Numerous skiffs, with Greek crews are to be seen moving about round the boats
The Khedive of Egypt has cleared out and I believe the Union Jack is to be hoisted in the city.
A death occurred on board to-day. A chap from the Infantry died from Pleurisy and pneumonia. This is the first death that has occurred on board. He was taken ashore in the afternoon in a launch to the fort which is manned by British Territorials.
Very Dull. Still on board No further move yet.
A good few fellows from the Infantry scaled overboard last night and went ashore. They were missed and a trap was laid for them. When they returned eighteen of them were captured including Captain Swannell of the Infantry. They got 7 Days cells and lost seven days pay. I don't know how the Captain

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