Joseph Banks - Endeavour Journal, 25 August 1768 - 12 July 1771 - No. 0162

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[Page 162]

Rio de Janeiro

of the town which is intirely void of Defence except that the whole town is open to the Gunns of the Citadel St Sebastian as I said before between Sta Cruz & the town are several small batteries of 5 to 10 gunns & one pretty large one calld Berga Leon immediately before the town is Ilhoa dos Cobras an Island fortified all round which seems incapable of doing much mischeif from its immense size at least it would take more men to defend it even tolerably in case of an attack than could Possibly be spard from a town totaly without Lines or any defence round itself  As for Sta Cruz their cheif fortification on which they most rely seems very incaple of making any great resistance if smartly attackd by shipping it is a stone fort which mounts many gunns indeed but they lie tier above

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