Item 03: Oliver Hogue letters, 12 January-19 December 1916 - Page 107

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2. burn the midnight candle at both ends to keep the mail bag empty.

I hope your finances are in a healthy state.   The moment I hear from my bankers  (ahem) in London I'll send you a few bob. I suppose that all the sheckels that go into my Sydney account from the Herald are promptly [boned?] by Clarrie for various useful works.

I've just read the the many kindly generous and diverting criticisms of my book in the Stock & Station Journal.   It is all gossip McWilliam. Now I want you the first time you go to town to run along to the S & S Journal and ask for Mr McMillan and tell him your name is Jean and that I asked you to go and thank him very much for his kind remarks.   I'm sure he'd be delighted to see you.   Thank Lidya for all the letters she is going to write and say Chin Chin to Mrs W.  

Tell mother I'll be there the someday.   Love to all

Your lying frere



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