Item 03: Oliver Hogue letters, 12 January-19 December 1916 - Page 82

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4/     When morning dawned I would have given anything for a good snap of the brigade on the desert.

While Gen Ryrie is away, Col Royston is acting brigadier.   He's a fine chap.   They call him galloping  Jack.   His orderly officer (thats me) is  reckoned the hardest worked officer in the brigade (thats true).   Our new Camp is in a lovely little oasis.   The date palms are fine -  all round & the fruit will be ripe in about a week or so.   Out in the desert are jackals.   They live on little things like kangaroo rats.  These latter live on the roots of the camel weed etc.   There is no rain, but heavy dews.

Thats all.   Oceans of love


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