Item 03: Oliver Hogue letters, 12 January-19 December 1916 - Page 65

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horse foot & artilliary... Long strings of Camels streak along the desert. Mules are everywhere doing the bulk of the transport work. Gyppies & Indians & Bedouins & Tommies are all over the shop.   And in the midst of them stalk the Anzacs, tall, strong,  wiry  - burned to a darker brown than ever before & just taking things for granted, quite at home in their curious surroundings.   They mooch round as if they owned the earth... Its terribly hot but we do all our work between 4 & 8 AM and 4 & 7 PM.   The dust & flies & heat are not too pleasant but it is not exactly unbearable... Am going to churn out a line for the Herald when I get time... Most of the Australians - except the  Light Horse have gone to France..

Best love to all the folk

Your affec son Nol

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