Item 03: Oliver Hogue letters, 12 January-19 December 1916 - Page 8

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a reply to it...But it didn't need a reply. I just left it with you to do what you thought best.   I was suprised that you did not seek another publisher.. Rowlandson or Brooks or Lothian would probably have taken it on.   However it has just this morning arrived.   I must churn out a final chapter on the withdrawal from Gallipoli & then pack it off.   Meanwhile - this is more satisfactory - I've finished revising all the proofs photos etc of 'Love Letters of an Anzac', & the printer is now working overtime on it. It should be out by the end of the week.    I'm sure Australia will treat it kindly.. I hope for some favour from the English public...Am now well - thin but well & awaiting orders to return to Egypt.

With all my love to Mother and the girls

Your Nol

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