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Diary Of Voyage On H.M.A. Troopship Shropshire A9 from Australia to England 1917

Freemantle, W.A.

21st May,1917.

Dear Ma
The following is a brief account of our voyage on a Troopship, during the first part of our journey. On Friday, 11th may, we left the wharf at Port Melbourne, about 1.30 p,m, on board xxxx H.M.A.T. "Shropshire" "A.9". About 15 minutes later we were followed by the troopship "Ascanius", the latter having on board the Victorian A.M.C. Detail that had marched in from Seymour Camp with us. There were fully ten thousand people on both wharves, and they gave us a magnificent send off. We will always have a warm spot in our hearts for the good ladies of Melbourne, who had helped to make our stay in the southern Capital enjoyable. I have never seen so many women at one time before, and the way they kept smiling and cheerful, was a credit to the men they were farewelling, and the Nation to which they belong. One could not help picturing many a similar send-off during the past two and a half years of war, as the women said farewell to their men folk embarking on a voyage from which so many will never return.

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