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And the guard threw a life-buoy over board. Sixteen men in a Naval Cutter from H.M.S. " King Alfred" were out for their evening exercise. One of our Officers hailed the Cox' and told him some of our men were in difficulties. It was wonderful to see the way the Jack Tars put on a spurt, and sent the boat through the water, and brought them back to the ship, amidst the cheers of the troops aboard. On Saturday, 7th July, we sent ashore two bags of spuds, some bacon, and a quarter of beef, for the unfortunate X 50th Com'y R.G.A.x, and no doubt they greatly appreciated the donation. At 8 a,m we weighed anchor xxxxxx and left Freetown, after being at anchor xx for three days, during which time we had been stewed, baked, and fried in the (delightful?) climate. We were not sorry to leave the place, and get the sea breeze again. Our Y.M.C.A.rep who had been ashore, said it was just like entering a death stricken place,and that he was glad to get back aboard the ship again. The walls of the Churchs are covered with memorial Tablets to the memory of British Tommies who have died while on the Station. The Aux. Cruiser "Mantua" was now our escort. A week before we arrived, a cargo steamer fought a raider just off the coast, and both of them sank. We saw several large turtles swimming in the calm sea. They looked very peculiar, and swam with their heads under water: only lifting them now and then, to see who we were. All ships were now racing along at full speed. Life belts are now to be kept near us.
Sunday 8th July. At sea. Calm sea, fine hot day. An Order was issued that

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