Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings, 24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 24
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everyday, The only objectionable feature is that the Turks can still shell the beach pretty heavily though it is remarkable what little damage they do. Broady has told you of his being transferred to 3rd Infantry Brigade as Orderly Officer to Col McLagan though he has not gone yet.
Major Vernon is still off color though he has come back from the Hospital Ship and old Gran who is not too well went off this morning for a few days spell. The rest of the officers all seem pretty well. We get time off to get our heads together & talk over the times we had or thought we had in Egypt & often think of you in that sweltering heat & dust.
Latest tale here is that the Turks crept up to the trenches of a certain L. Horse squadron & stole their wire entanglements & by daylight had them erected in front of their own lines. To add bitterness to the deal they say a note was thrown over from the Turkish trenches reading to G.O.C. Pray do not send any more Australians against us but send as many Light Horse as you like.
When we get up against them again in a charge they will probably change their minds. I got your memo re few piastres I left behind & gave Reid copy of this also. thank for same. There was no occasion to worry.
Kindly remember me to the C.O. & tell him I hope to write again soon.
The pipes came along alright. Also I don't know if Major Vernon acknowledged them.
Best of wishes old chap hoping you will soon be with us again.
Believe me
Yours sincerely
Moffat Reid (Major)
Killed in Charge Aug 6 1915