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Thursday Decbr 27th Back at Monascar owing to railway line being washed away by rain have to wait another few days – saw Stanley Brai[indecipherable] he is a cadet in the Flying Corps & may get his Commission
Decbr 28th
On a Court Martial tomorrow, still waiting Railway clearance – Beautiful weather but cold at night
Decbr 29
President of Court Martial – This camp trains men in every branch of the service & is a good refresher but I am an old soldier now
Decbr 30
Censored also 31st & Jany 1st
Jany 2nd
Just got ordered to leave for the Front – this morning – cold & wet – taking reinforcements. We are disgusted at the result of the referendum
Jany 3rd
Just before leaving Monascar I wandered into a Kitchener Hut & was surprised to see in large letters" Presented by Deniliquin & Ernie Armstrong of Gunbar in charge – asked him to post you a photo of it – NB this has not been received
The boat I went to Italy on has been torpedoed every boat I travelled on has gone down
Once more all ranks would like the people to know the good work done by Mrs Chisholm & Miss M'Phillemy at the Kantara Soldiers Home. It makes a man fit for a long cold journey in the open trucks & in the rain

Current Status: 