Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings, 24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 27
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fallen" they put up another notice saying "he sure to wear your White – Bands" – This alluded to the fact that everyman had instructions to sew a bit of white on the middle of his back & on each arm so that we would know each other in the half light of the morning when among the Turks who are also wearing khaki.
I sewed a bit of old white ships blanket on my back about 6" square and then crawled into my dug out to try & get some sleep as this was my 2nd night without any.
At 3.30 Am in single file we crawled along a dry & up a dry waterfall Bombing Party in the lead – We got to within 50 yards of the Turks ere they heard us, then the fun began – Machine Guns opened on - & a hail of "Bombs"
The first man hit was my Batman little Kitchen – then my Sgt was