Item 06: Frank Valentine Weir diary excerpts, letters and news clippings, 24 June 1915-1 August 1918 - Page 19
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Gallipoli Penla
Dear Frank, many thanks old sport for your letter, I also saw one you wrote to Broady. You must be having a rotten time over there. We are now in bivouac just behind the 2nd line of [indecipherable] and having a rest out of the trenches which we had been in for a fortnight. Johnny Turk attacked us last Wed but got a damn bad dusting our casualties, mostly 8th light Horse, were 12 killed & about 30 wounded and the Ts 300 killed & Allah knows how many w. They say Enver Pasha was somewhere behind encouraging them & they came on about 1000 of them on to our left flank & made a hellish noise yelling "Allah Allah Illallal" the whole time. Broady did splendid work among 'em with one of his guns. There are scores of them dead along the parapet in front of the 8th & they now have the job of dragging them all in with grappling irons & through their trenches for burial. The General wont let the Turks come & take their dead because we want all their rifles which are being sent to England. We have been very lucky so far as casualties are concerned no officers have been wounded since Nicholl and very few men. Burke in C Troup ([indecipherable]) A Sqdn was killed in the fire trench the other day, enfiladed through the head by a bullet and 1Bg[indecipherable] man was killed & 3 wounded in the scrap the other night