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Frederik Willhelm Hafen to Rabaul
Thursday 24th Sept. Cont.
in and out of port the passage being not wider than the length of the "Berrima" and not sufficient swinging room in the harbour. Left port with foul anchor & was delayed one hour outside clearing the same, after which we proceeded at the rate of 15 knots Rabaul. Midnight saw many strange lights on the New Guinea side of us, which we at first mistook for German war ships & halted for a few minutes only when we discovered it was bushfires & also natives on the reefs fishing with torches.
Friday 25th Sept
Towards Rabaul at 15 knots. Noon Lat 6 º 41' South Long 149 º 8' East Dist from Rabaul 300 miles, ship darkened at night.
Saturday 26th Sept.
am. Steamed up St Georged Channell 2 pm went alongside wharf at Rabaul found all well at Rabaul.
Sunday 27th Sept
am. Church parade onshore. Chaplain of "Grantala" presiding conducting service Capt Stevenson read articles of war to the naval men and Officers also to Officers & crew of "Berrima" (150 men) No news of Submarine AE1. Received news from General Wilde of the whereabouts