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out in eight planes to bomb Turkish Gen. Head Quarters – a large building on the Mount of Olives just on the outskirts of the Holy City. This is a fine building and endowment Home, & rather like an old English school, fairly modern.
Well we left the aerodrome just before dawn at 4a.m. – I forget the date – about the end of June.
Four of us Ron. Austin, Clifford Brown, Jack Potts, & myself, were flying machines of the BE2E type & each carrying 12 16pndr. bombs. The other four:- Capt Murray Jones, Lts., King Cole, Peter Drummond, & Bill Bowd were flying "Martinsydes" carrying both small & large & incendiary bombs. The trip was about 250 miles there & back & was supposed to take us about 3½ hours.
Well we flew in formation & arrived there safely, in about 1½ hours. We were about
[sketch of the flying formation one plane leading: a Martinsyde flown by Capt Jones (Leader) then come four BE2Es (2 seaters) in a square formation front left is BUTLER (lost), front right POTTS (lost), back left is BROWN (lost) and back right AUSTIN (lost). Behind then come two "Tinesides flown by BOWD on the left and DRUMMOND on the right. In the rear is also a "Tinesyde flown by COLE (lost)]
The "Martinsydes" are Single seaters
BE2Es are 2 seaters