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he has had the form of the Derwent to its source surveyed which I am to have by the first conveyance. Messrs Brown & Humphrey were absent from the Settlement 16 days on a visit to the River "Huon" on the So. side of Storm Bay passage. I shall transcribe Collins's paragraph. "The Mullens are returned from the Huon whose source they did not reach but fell in with a large River which implied itself into it, they also discovered another River & speak very highly of the Country which they passed over. Mr Humphreys found some Chrystals but Mr Brown met with nothing new in his line - bringing other articles found among the Natives has some micacisees [?]. I saw one with the shining particles of which these people ornament themselves."
On the whole from every account that has been sent to me & the information of those who have come from thence I think that Settlement will do well. I have recently sent 146 Cows, Three horses & a Mare, Oxen & Swine with Twelve Months provisions to them in case supplies should be protracted from the Causes in Europe that cannot be foreseen. I cannot help [indecipherable] with and feeling as Collins does on the subject of