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From J.F Truscott
To the Chief Surveyor, Depart. of Lands
Subject:{Request of Anthropological Society of N.S.W. for
a list of native names of places & their meanings.
I have the honor to furnish herewith a list of
alleged native names of places in my district: but I cannot
say that the spelling may may be relied on to produce the
native word: nor can say that the meanins given
are those attached to them by the blacks who inhabited
the district. I merely give them for what they are worth,
and have to state that, small as the list is, it was not
easily obtained. In Illawarra & Shoalhaven, there are very few
aborigines remaining and consequently much of their language
(which is said to have been dialectic) has been forgotten & lost.
My general duties, of course, will not permit me to devote
the time to make particular inquiry into the subject:
and as the society has sought the aid of the district
police officers, it may be expected that the information
obtainable will be more readily supplied through
this agency.
J.F. Truscott
12th March 1900