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By W J Pallett Esq
Native Name of Place | Meaning or Reason Why Name was Given |
Willeria | a spring name given because the water is white |
Munga | A Well name given because the Water is Black |
Ballalleninria | name given because the ground is always warm |
Allaper | Name given because Big Gum trees grew there |
Arrinnurra | Because a large Gum Tree was struck by lightning |
Billularria | Name given because the grass remains green all year |
Wagifurina | Name given because long snakes was seen in the rocks |
Bowerra | Name given because Cliffs were Perpendicular at this Place |
Uttamine | Name given because a dog was killed by a kangaroo here |
Unenanina | Name given because a dead native was supposed to have appeared to the other natives at this Place in spirit |
Womrernooka | Name given because there was a spring there |
Appengee | Name given because there was a spring under cliffs |
Benendow | Name given because there a spring in large Gum tree |
Midemuga | Name given because some very big hills near the Place |
Wandeyer Yater | Name given because a native disappeared in the rock holes |
Nundoo | Name given because this was an old native meeting place |
Whathenoo Walbeferra | Name given because Kangaroo Rat was seen fighting here |
Wanarra | Name given because Water was runing away from a spring |
Wondie | Named Because Place was an old Man's Camp for Natives |
Nutergarra | Named because Several Natives died at this Place |
Andeco | Named because natives are afraid to go near this Place |
Mitheria | Named because there is supposed to be a haunted cave here the spirit of a dead native appeared at night |
Una | Named because a Thunder Bolt fell here |
Allenuba | Named because a native chief died at this Place |
Nurra Nurra | Named because a native chief was buried here |
Wongaurra | Named because there is White Peaked hills at this Place |
Burrugoo | Named because there is long [ruff]? toped hills at this Place |
Wonumew | Named because a native fell off the Cliffs |
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