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[Page 37]                                                             409
                                       By W J Pallett Esq            

Native Name of Place Meaning or Reason Why Name was Given
Willeria   a spring name given because the water is white
Munga A Well name given because the Water is Black
Ballalleninria name given because the ground is always warm
Allaper   Name given because Big Gum trees grew there
Arrinnurra Because a large Gum Tree was struck by lightning
Billularria Name given because the grass remains green all year
Wagifurina Name given because long snakes was seen in the rocks
Bowerra Name given because Cliffs were Perpendicular at this Place
Uttamine Name given because a dog was killed by a kangaroo here
Unenanina Name given because a dead native was supposed to have appeared to the other natives at this Place in spirit
Womrernooka Name given because there was a spring there
Appengee Name given because there was a spring under cliffs
Benendow Name given because   there a spring in large Gum tree
Midemuga   Name given because some very big hills near the Place
Wandeyer Yater Name given because a native disappeared in the rock holes
Nundoo Name given because this was an old native meeting place
Whathenoo Walbeferra Name given because Kangaroo Rat was seen fighting here
Wanarra Name given because Water was runing away from a spring
Wondie Named Because Place was an old Man's Camp for Natives
Nutergarra Named because Several Natives died at this Place
Andeco Named because natives are afraid to go near this Place
Mitheria Named because there is supposed to be a haunted cave here the spirit of a dead native appeared at night
Una Named because a Thunder Bolt fell here
Allenuba Named because a native chief died at this Place
Nurra Nurra Named because a native chief was buried here
Wongaurra Named because there is White Peaked hills at this Place
Burrugoo Named because there is long [ruff]? toped hills at this Place
Wonumew Named because a native fell off the Cliffs


Current Status: 