
[top right corner] 398

22nd January 1900

With reference to your letter of 15th August last, asking for assistance in collecting "Aboriginal Names" with their meanings, and enclosing circulars for that purpose, I have the honor to forward herewith the replies which have been received in this Department, to date,
[rrz?]: From [?Wessr] (Surveyors) W M Thomas
K J Allen, E J Halliday, T B N Slowan, and R B Mackenzie.

I have the honor to be
Your obedient servant
[?N] Curry
Acting Under Secretary
Per [?]
W Wentworth Bucknell Esquire
Hon Gen Secretary Anthropological
Society of Australasia
Chandos Street

[note in margin] Replied WWB 25.1.00

Current Status: 
Ready for review