Primary tabs
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Marula | hand and arm |
Mine | Come here |
Min-u-ah | What you want |
Mourguong | A good view or Lookout |
Nulla-nullah | Round headed Club |
Noongaugh K | Grey Kangaroo |
Nangree | Stop, (don't go away) |
Narang | Small |
Oorong-oorong | Lagoon or Point at outer bend of a river |
Pialla K | To tell something (especially news) |
Peddibang | Emu |
Patter K | To eat |
Quambi | Camp or rest and sleep |
Qui-o, or guyo | wait a while |
Thongong | Bread |
Taree | Carnal desire |
Tarnapokie | Swan |
Tholo | Jag-spear |
Toween | Ape [?] |
Tugroa | Where is it |
Tom-bong | Boot |
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