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with the object of his being inter-
viewed at length by some person
or committee with special aptitude
to record the information obtainable
from him, and with Mr Paddy
Smith of Hay who is an educated
half-caste who has spent much
of his life with his countrymen
and has an intimate knowledge
of their language customs
and traditions and takes
a pathetic interest in the
remnant of the numerous
tribes who dwelt in the neighbour-
hood of the western Rivers
Mr Smith might attend a
meeting of the Anthropological
Society if his expenses were
defrayed and he were paid for his
time Herewith is a letter from
Mr T. C. Heath of Wagga Wagga
relating to Mr Paddy Smith qualifi
-cations to afford reliable data
concerning the customs traditions and
language of his countrymen.
I also enclose an excerpt from the
Australasian of the 30th Sept 1899
bearing on the subject at issue.
I have the honor to be Sir
Your obedient Servant
C. F. Bolton
Licd Surveyor