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Some information of a negative
character that may be of use
to the Anthropological Sty as
warning its members against
looking up many names of
places as authentic native
names while they are simply
corruptions of the white man's
names for certain places
instances of which I will supply
further on
Then the whites have adopted
the native names of places in the
section of country where they were
brought up for localities
outstations &c on runs further
towards the interior where they
may have been employed
instances of which I will also
give again there are many
instances some of which I will
quote where native names have
been corrupted and mutilated by
officials in the Government
Service instead of discarding
altogether a name deemed to be
I intended long ago to record the
meanings of the native names met
with in my travels, but on asking
the blacks why certain places
bore their names I almost invariably
obtained the same answers "Bail
I know, only name, mine think it"
I take it many of names