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[Page 49]
Grafton Clarence River NSW
(Abstracted and published Jan/1900)
Aboriginal Words with meanings
Dialect - Coombyngurra - in district from South Grafton to Bellingen inclusive
English Word | Aboriginal | English Word | Aboriginal |
A tree (any kind) | Djal-ee-gurra. | Sun | Nyan |
Iron bark | Geer,oogum gah | Moon | Geed-i |
Tallow wood | Wong-ah-guh | Water | Nah-roo |
Turpentine | Bool.oor.oo, guh | Fire | Wah-gi |
Spotted Gum | Wy-eer-a-guh | Man | Djari[?]-burra |
Red Gum | Doon-doo-guh | Woman | Burr-in-yan |
Swamp Oak | Woor-oong-u-[gth?] | Boy | Boo-djur-ra |
Forest Oak | Cor-am-guh | Girl | Boo-djur-ra-gun |
Tea Tree | Moon-oom-guh | Hands | Mah-na |
Box tree | Gar-ool-guh | Feet | Djee-na |
Lilly Pilly | Djoor-roo-brun[?] | Arms | Djall-bur-ra |
Wild Apple | Wee-goolly | Legs | Nar-ree |
Bean tree | Beer-re-djul | Head | Cah-lee |
Iron wood | Kon-i-guh | Teeth | Dier[?]-uh |
Tulip | Kor-un-dee-guh | Eyes | Mee-al |
Cedar | Djin-moon-guh | Nose | Djing-gam |
Pine | Bin-dar-re-guh | Mouth | Djall-i-an |
a creek | Yam-mlin | Mountain | Djoo-loom |
River | Bindarry | Wilim's Hill (at South Grafton) | U-loom |
Swamp | Wah-loo-gay | Small plain | Con-ung-gun |
Stone | Gool-boor-uh | River or beach shingles | Yar-rum |
* Note. Djoo-loom- U-loom this is one of the small differences those unaccustomed to aborigines would note notice. I saw some lists collected in this district, in which hardly any of the words were correctly represented. I have tested my idea of phonetic speling by reading the names to a party of aborigines some days after they were written
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