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Aboriginal names of Points, Places
"Cooroowal" - Wild Fig Tree
"Burrawong" - Native Palm (?)
Mukkah - Snake
"Bunnabie" - North Botany / Heads
Givea - South " "
"Caddie" - Sydney, South side of Sydney Harbour South reef to Long Nose Point - Balmain
"Eeora" - Aboriginal Sydney District
"Gal" - Tribe or clan
"Mattawunye" - Pinch gut Island
"Mel Mel - Goat Island
"Warrane" - Sydney Cove
Cammeray - North Side of Sydney Harbour
Boonboolong - Evil spirit / Devil Devil
Murranoway - Boat or ship - cutter
Garraman - Horse
"Meeree" - Dog
Dingo - "
Narrigil - "
Jimbuck - Sheep
"Eurambie" - Darling Point
Cumbiramourie - Newtown
Yah Loong - Farm Cove /Botanic Gardens
Cobborn - Large
Murragonja - small
Midjee - "
Coolgong - Wild Pigeon
Beereegan - Quail
Bebin - Large brown hawk
Urani - Wild duck
Berrinah - "
Kangaru - Native name - first heard by Capt Cook's "Endeavour River[?]
Bullogorang - }
N[?]appera - } Large Kangaroo
Wallaroo - }
Burrul - Wallaby
Goorai - Wallaby
Wattoo - oppossum / Port Stephens