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Windsor 29 Nov 1899
W. Wentworth Bucknell EsqHon Gen SecretaryAnthropological Society of Australasia"Argreah"Chandos StAshfield
Dear Sir I am afraid afraid I cannotgive you many particulars respectingthe Word "Meroo" It is the name givento a Parish in the County ofCook. The Parish was probablycalled after the name of one ofthe large holdings in that localitygranted in the early days."Meroo or the Islands" andit is a mountain tract of countrybetween two creeks or ratherthe tributaries of Little WheenyCreek. It is more than likelythat you would find in theoriginal grant of 2560 acres toWilliam Hampden Dutton the land
in pencil in left hand marginThe country isintersected byseveral small creeksor tributaries ofLittle Wheeny Creek
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