Box 4 Folder 5: New South Wales place names, 1899-1903 - Page 38

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Native Name of Place Meaning or reason Why it was given
Wittercarra Named Because Kangaroos are Plentfull here
Yagnoo Named Grass rushes grow thick here
Warramaller Named  Because there is salt spring here
Yaniewobbenew Named because Large Gum Thicket at this Place  
Yingirga Named because there is a Saakige[?] on Sand Plain
Geegin Named because this was an old native fighting place
Wootheboo Named because a Native died from open wound here
Carragadie Named because there is a spring in a Cave at this Place
Cuherber Named because there are red hills at this Place
Enegie Named because the Country is Clear here
Narbinenu Name because this Place is at the Junction of Two Creeks
Muthermuga Named because this Place is surrounded by [Geanst]? range
Mumby Named because Wild Pigeons water here in summer in sand hole
Warrercarra Named because ground is strude with white quartz stones
Edenwurenen Named because small snakes are plentiful here
Wongul   Named because red stones are on flat here
Betenue Name because wild dogs have a water hole here
Wathaller Named because the wild dogs used to bread in the hills at this place
   Wm Thos Pallett PC No 25
   14 . 10. 99


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