State Library of NSW
[Page 11] 384 Moorong Wagga Wagga 4th Febuary 1900It is in respect to your communicationof the 26th August 1899 requestingme to supply such informationas I may be able to relative tothe meanings of aboriginal namesfor the benefit of the Anthropo-logical Society of Australia I now beg to state that thoughI spent a good deal of time inmy boyhood on the Lower Huntershooting, hunting & fishingwith the blacks who were thenfairly numerous and thoughI knew the meaning of a greatnumber of their words after sucha lapse of time I find that Icannot now recall to mind manyof their words. Again the personalof the Station owners and managershas so changed in this districtand so many of the old overseersand stockmen who took aninterest in the Aborigines havedied off during the last thirtyyears that I have been unsuccessfulin obtaining any informationto speak of from such sourcesHowever I may be able to offord some The N.S. LandsSydney
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