State Library of NSW
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Surveyor S.H. Chesterman forwarding listssupplying a few native names of placeswith their meanings Tumut January 6th 1900 Sir 1. In connection with memoof Instructions enclosed on a Copy of ?99/9689, I beg to forward herewithmeanings of a few native names of places& localities the list, though small, havingbeen compiled rather carefully - a verynecessary provision. Some yearsago this subject interested me but Iwas confronted with the great difficultythat information must necessarily beobtained second hand and that manyparticulars supplied must certainly be opento question. It is to be regretted thatmore care was not exercised in the earlydays to obtain correct names and thatsome little attention was not paid toorthography. Numbers of places have been misnamed through carelessness andthe misnomers have adhered, in manyinstances through the younger generationof blacks having adopted the altered word.Gabo and Woolloomooloo supply twowell known instances of aboriginal corruptions.2. As showing how the aboriginalsoccasionally coined words the name ofan old outstation on the Lachlan canbe cited. In the very early days thehutkeeper there had a wooden leg -
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