State Library of NSW
[Page 105]
Log of the S.S. "Meklong"
from Rabaul Towards Kavieng
Wednesday 29th October 1914
Light S E wind & fine weather. Vessel at Rabaul wharf loading cargo. 7 pm finished loading. Embarked Troops and passengers for Kavieng 8.20 pm left Rabaul.
11 pm Man Island North end abeam 2 miles off A/c N W for Gazelle Channell.
Thursday 29th October
at 4pm entered Albatross channel
5.30 pm at Kavieng. Landed garrison troops received two German prisoners and left at 8.15 pm for Namatanai. 9 pm passed North Cape New Ireland 1 mile off.
Friday 30th October 1914
Light winds fine day & hazy weather. 6 pm anchored at [indecipherable] about 1 ΒΌ miles Namatanai. Landed officers & men who proceeded about 8 miles along this coast to capture some Germans who was reported to have assaulted a British subject.
Saturday 31st October
3 am Aux Sch. Delphine with shore party came alongside with four German prisoners 7.30 am Captain Thorold and party landed at Namatanai. Took possession hoisted the British flag landed a small garrison force. 1 pm wind sat in
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