Item 02: Voyage on H.M.A.T. Berrima to German New Guinea, 1914 - Page 35

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Saturday 12th Sept. 1914

AM landed a garrison force at Herbershöhe of about 500 men stores, Guns, ammunition, & provisions 5 pm went alongside of wharf at Rabaul  immediately the gangway was lowered. I went on shore with Comander Brown & Major Heritage Captain Holmes & Travers to select a Suitable spot for putting up a flag staff for hoisting the British Ensign. Found a mast suitable at N.D.L. which Commander Brown undertook to put up in the spot selected by Noon tomorrow while we were selecting the spot for hoisting the flag Captain Holmes & Travers amused themselves by pulling down a few German flags which were flying around the New Guinea Company's premesis, no doubt the Germans thought the proceedings strange but offered no resistance. A few minutes later a garrison force of about 500 men landed & took possession of the town, met with no resistance from Natives or whites.

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