Item 02: John Herbert Butler correspondence, 1914-1920 - Page 45

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disfigure him, & of course Harry Butler got hit through the stomach & is serious. Jack Benson got wounded again – with a bomb this time. Of course you'll know all this. Anyway I'm allright myself so far. I hope this letter will get you at "Orvieto" Mum. I suppose Claude is training now for a commission I hope, - we are wondering wether he will marry before he comes away. I must write & congratulate old Nance – I saw the announcement in the "Tas. Mail"

Mum darling I hope you are taking things quietly & not giving that leg a chance to get bad again.

Well dear I'll say cheer-oh & write a few lines to Nance & Joan

Very best love from your boy


P.S. The weather is lovely here at present, rather hot sometimes though. We're not far from the beach & of course get plenty of swimming (often under shell fire from old man Turk) which is a Godsend to the troops (not the shell fire) most chaps are as brown as niggers now.

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